Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Packing: off to training!

I've become lazy with the photographs, but trust me, there will be more coming sometime soon.

Training officially starts tomorrow, which means that the four of us will be packing and heading over to Algeciras on a ferry sometime in the afternoon. From there, we have a four-day training trip, where we will be shadowing and learning about how our jobs work, then a short two-day training on the beach in Tarifa, Spain.

Unfortunately, my nerves are acting up, as they always do when starting a new job, no matter how amazing the opportunity, and today I have not whittled away a lot on my "to-do" list.

The washing machine is (finally) working (lhamdullah), though it required running all over the medina for the correct hardware, some plumbing work and even a friend of ours doing some electrical work to get the outlet to work... so, almost a full week after delivery, we have a working 5 kilo washing machine, which is glorious, and just in time for packing!

I have a few things to do before training starts, including deciding on what to do after the end. Everyone else has a trip that next weekend, but I have a week off due to scheduling, and so I may stay with my friends in Malaga or Granada for a few days, just to get to know Spain and Andalusia a little better.

Until then, I'm in the midst of pulling together my classwork for the next two weeks, trying to get graduate school applications ready, and figuring out if and how I can go to a Moroccan wedding on the 10th that we were invited to. It should be a very busy and interesting few weeks, to say the least. I love and hate the stress and excitement of transitions!


  1. love you, praying for you, hope you get the clog fixed...have fun and relax. it's an adventure.

  2. A working washing machine is a wonderful thing. A repairman is coming to fix mine tomorrow (lhamdullah). Tarifa sounds wonderful! Get/Take a kite!

  3. Katy! Don't be nervous! You will so great! Also, sometimes it's best not to make a lot of plans. Some of the best things come from nothing. So don't try to micromanage every little detail! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

